Thursday, April 30, 2015

Cashing Out Tip Money

Last weekend, I've done two shows and earned a little over 600 dollars. Approximately 280 dollars of that were in one-dollar bills as seen below:

This is what $280 in ones look like.

That much money fits poorly in most wallets, so I went to the bank to exchange them for larger denominations. The lady across the counter gawked at me.

The money-counting machine at the front could not take so much cash, so she had to go into another room to use the largest machine. Other employees took notice of the cash and cast surreptitious glances at me.

It was very awkward. At least the lady had the professionalism not to ask me why I had so many ones. She probably had a hint where those bills came from because they smelled strongly of perfume.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Topless Only

I got this letter in my inbox recently:

So I was always interested in making some quick cash stripping. 
But I cannot do 100% full stripping. Only topless for reasons beyond. I don't want to take off my shorts. 
What would be the disadvantages of only doing topless? Less money? 

Dion's response: The disadvantage would be that you wouldn't make ANY money whatsoever.

Women pay at least $200 an hour for a male stripper to show up, strip down to a thong, and put on an entertaining performance. Leaving on the shorts opens up a barrage of complaints.

In this line of work, men have two choices: strip down to a thong, or down to nothing at all. It's not like female stripping where you can opt out of full nudity by keeping the bottoms or the top on for less money.

Female customers expect a man to show up in a thong. It's part of the act!

If you're hesitant about taking off the shorts, I have some advice for you:

Find another job.

I'm not saying this out of spite or sarcasm. I'm just giving you a realistic perspective. Here are some analogies of what you're saying.

"I want to be a chef, but I don't want to cook anything."

I guess you could prepare salads or microwave food, but you're severely limiting your menu options, and customers will go elsewhere for more offerings.

"I want to be a plumber, but I don't want to fix toilets or sinks."

Maybe you can fix baths or showers, but you won't get as much work, and you're forgetting what the title plumber means.

"I want to babysit, but I don't feed kids or change diapers."

That defeats the purpose of even trying to become a babysit then.

My point is that you're basically telling a prospective employer that you want the job, but you'll only do half the work of the other employees. Imagine how ridiculous that makes you sound. You're not exactly making yourself appealing.

There are plenty of guys out there who are charismatic, look great, and willing to strip down to a thong on a moment's notice. They're the competition, and you're entering without meeting the requirements.

Now this is speculation, but I gather you don't want to strip beyond shorts because you feel uncomfortable about something. Maybe your thighs are too skinny, your ass is hairy, or you're concerned about your penis size.

I have some bad news for you.

If you're insecure about exposing yourself, then this is the wrong line of work. The banana hammock doesn't leave much to the imagination, and some girls will even want you to take that off. They won't react too kindly when refuse to strip beyond shorts.

Keeping your shorts on is fine, but not in this line of work. if you want to dance in front of a crowd of girls while wearing shorts, then do so at a beach or pool party. Just don't expect women to fork out $200 an hour for it.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

A Sweet Letter from a Customer

A short while ago I had forgotten my music player and portable speaker at a bachelorette party in Panama City. I didn't realize it until the following night when I was getting ready to work another party, which caused me to scramble for a substitute player. So I called the previous customer and asked her if I had left the items. She confirmed that I did, and offered to mail them back to me. I text messaged her my mailing address.

The package arrived with all of my things intact. I was grateful. Usually if I forget items, most people won't even bother to help me get them back.

In addition my music player and the speaker, the customer attached this card sealed in a pretty red envelope:

In case you have trouble reading the message, it says the following:

Hey Dion! 
I went ahead and charged everything for you. I am sorry that you forgot them. Thank you for being awesome for our bachelorette party/weekend! 
Everyone had a great time! Oh and thanks for getting those guys off of our limo. Some people know no boundaries. But thanks for everything, again! Good luck with your book! I have always wanted to write one. I look forward to reading it. 
Have a great day,
(Name omitted)

That letter made me smile. It also made me realize how such nice customers make this job so much fun and rewarding. In return, I promised to mail her a free copy of my book along with another random gift.

Friday, April 24, 2015

Asian Male Strippers

Over the past few years, I have received many e-mails from Asian guys wanting to know if it's possible for them to become male strippers, especially in Western countries like the U.S.A., Canada, or the U.K. For example, here's an excerpt from one e-mail:

"My biggest concern is that there is no market for Asian male strippers. The media portrays Asian American males poorly and constructs insidious stereotypes that often times make Asian men not as desirable as my white counterparts. It is just a part of the world that we live in and is important for me to acknowledge it if I ever do pursue stripping."

Regardless of whether or not the media portrays Asian males in a negative light, I take issue with this message. It reeks of self-defeat. It automatically assumes a negative outcome from the start. Furthermore, it places a negative perception on what others think of you.

I'm a half-Asian living in the rural South. Some of the locals in my town assume I'm full Asian. That being said, I have experienced derogatory comments and stereotypes before. Do I feel belittled because of it? No. That's because I don't box myself into such a stereotype. Doing so is the easy way out.

In college, I worked out with a black guy who shared a self-defeatist attitude regarding his ethnicity. He complained about how white people always gave him "funny looks" and stereotyped him because he was black. I wondered why he came to such an outrageous conclusion. It didn't take long to find out.

One day, he forgot to bring his student I.D. card to the gym, which was required to gain access to the facility. The employee behind the desk refused to grant him access. My workout partner immediately called the employee a "racist" and launched into a tirade of curses and threats. The gym employee called the police on him. I tried to intervene, but my workout partner would not listen to me. "These muthafuckas are racist!" he yelled. The police escorted him out of the gym and told him never to come back.

Without realizing it, this guy molded himself into the very stereotype that he accused people of labeling him as. People didn't hate him beforehand, but he assumed they did because of his skin color, and his negative attitude inadvertently infected everyone around him as a result.

So for you Asian guys who want to be male strippers, the same applies. You become the stereotype you want to avoid when you assume that the industry and the customers will reject you based on the fact that you're an Asian. Some of you guys talk yourself out of even trying by assuming the outcome will be bad. That's a horrible outlook on life. If I walked into my shows with that mentality, the cynicism would seep into the audience and prove detrimental to my performance.

If an employer or customer does reject you, it's more likely due to a lack of attraction rather than ethnicity.

While it's true that there's an ethnic void of male Asians in the industry, in actuality, few Asian men apply for the job. There's no racist gatekeeper in the industry barring Asian men from entering. The media isn't telling these booking companies not to hire Asian males. In fact, all of my agents expressed eagerness when they learned I was half Asian, because more diversity broadens their roster of talent. They love having a larger selection of products to offer customers.

Now there are customers who make requests based on ethnicity. Black girls tend to ask for black guys. White girls tend to asks for white guys. Many companies narrow down customer requests by white or black guys. That doesn't mean other races are left out. If you're Asian, you'll most likely get sent to white parties. Hispanics get sent to both white and black parties respectively. Everyone's tastes differs. I've stripped for black girls who only like white guys, and white girls who like Asians.

Some customers do get specific about their ethnicity. Yet, you cannot help this fact, so don't even dwell on it. Your primary goal should focus on increasing your attractiveness, talent, and charisma. The more you increase these areas, the more attractive you become to a broader audience.

Many Asian guys who message me also include pics, and they tend to have the right appearance for the job, but the wrong attitude. Stop jinxing yourself. Your race should never be a burden on your decisions in life.

Moreover, blaming your ethnicity when things don't go your way is the most ignorant and pathetic way to cope with failure. People do this to shift the blame away from them and pin it on something else (i.e. racist people, media, society, etc.). Stop blaming others, accept responsibility and do something about it.

In the end, you shape your destiny. Not your ethnicity, not the media, and not society.

Monday, April 20, 2015

A Review of The Ambassador Hotel in Panama City Beach

Welcome to the Ambassador. Feel free to use our shitty parking lot.

Recently, I stripped for a bachelorette party at the Ambassador hotel in Panama City Beach, Florida. The girls ranged from 18 to 22 years old, and they were an awesome group. On the other hand, the hotel they rented was a cesspool of filth.

View from the back. Looks can be deceiving.

The outer appearance looked like a nice beach resort, but the inside hid a different story. The black couch in the living room had what appeared to be several dried semen stains on the cushions. I suggested laying a blanket over it, but even that was covered in dried yellowish splatter stains. The carpet looked like it hadn't been cleaned in years. The girls complained that the bottoms of their feet turned black from walking on it. They also griped about the bathroom, which looked like an ideal environment for mold.

Obviously, many other travelers had similar complaints. Check out the pics and reviews on this website or on Read the one-star reviews because those accurately reflect what I had experienced.

The only saving grace of this establish is the view of the beach and easy access to the nightlife of Panama City Beach because it's located on Front Beach Road. The proximity of the nightlife may be a detriment to those of you who prefer peace and quiet. As I was entering and leaving the party, I saw several drunks stagger through the parking lot yelling salacious remarks at random women. I even had to escort one of the girls from the bachelorette party to her cab just so the other drunks would leave her alone.

Only stay at this place if you're a teenager or college student who wants to party along the beach and cannot afford anything nicer (and you don't mind dried semen all over your furniture and blankets). Otherwise, your partying neighbors will guarantee sleepless night full of loud music and drunken screaming for you and your family. At least you can work on your tan and swim.

If you're looking for a nice getaway at the beach, there are plenty of other options out there besides this dump.

Final Verdict: One out of five stars.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Dancing With an Owl

April 11, 2015

First Party: 6:30 pm

This group of Georgian girls were a fantastic crowd. They carried a good mixture of politeness, courtesy, and openness. Their special request called for "something wild" at the end, so I gave them all a nude show.

At first, I was worried about offending a few of the more reserved girls, but one girl said, "Don't worry, hun. You ain't going to offend us. The last male stripper we had yanked my tube top down and titty-fucked me."

That incident took place at a male strip club in Atlanta. The girls said they were appalled by the guy's brazen act, but too shocked to say or do anything. Needless to say, they did not give him or the club repeat business.

Second Party: 8:00 pm

This audience consisted of two brides and many of their sorority sisters who graduated from L.S.U. One peculiar thing about this party was a girl in an owl costume dancing next to me the entire time. While I alternated performing for the two brides, the owl stood on a table an arm's length away from me and flapped it's wings as it danced.

I don't do drugs, but if I did, then I would've lived a nightmare.

The girls told me that the owl was their sorority's mascot.

Nevertheless, I enjoyed this show. That's the beauty of being a male stripper. Each work day is a new experience. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Party Log: Spring Break 2015 - Part Three

March 28, 2015

Bachelorette party in Orange Beach, Alabama. Seven girls.

This group got a little wild, had a lot of fun, and tipped me very well. No one took any pictures, so there’s nothing to share here.

One girl said something that stuck with me: “I thought this whole male stripper thing would be raunchy and distasteful, but it turned out MUCH better than I expected. We’re going to have to do this more often!”

Her words made me feel like I did a job well done.

April 4, 2015

Bachelorette party in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida. At least a dozen girls.

The girls had a nice combination of being wild, fun, and sweet. In fact, they asked for my full name at the end of the show to write me a check for more money.

Their story is worth mentioning in a future book, and I don't think a simple blog post would do it justice. For now, here some pics from their party (shared with their permission):

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

April Fools Day

I didn't feel like making up something for today, so I'll repost something back from 2013:

Read the comments. My favorite one was: "Bit of a dick move..."