Saturday, January 6, 2018

Happy New Year 2018

It's been a while since I have last updated, and that's been due to my other (more professional) work, which has subsequently caused me to turn down most parties from October to now. However, I'm still here and it's now 2018.

That means I have started this gig 15 years ago in 2003. Back then, I was a shy 21-year-old kid who was terrified at the thought of taking off my clothes in front of a group of girls. I had abs and a good build back then, and I feel quite pleased that I managed to maintain the abs and even added some more muscle in the last 15 years.

My situation has changed drastically though. In 2003 I was a college student living in a small apartment. Besides school, my schedule consisted of stripping, gym, and chasing girls. Getting laid consumed my whole outlook on life.

Now it's 2018. I own my own house (no mortgage - yay!), work all the time, but still spend time in the gym. Instead of chasing girls, I pursue good investments and ways to make more money. I'm also planning retirement, etc. My, how times have changed. Of course I'm not opposed with going after a special interest, but my priorities are much different. I guess that's called getting older.

I still plan on doing parties. I love them (most of them). It's a fun job, and it motivates me to continue conditioning my body. I think without stripping, I would have devolved into a dad-bod state by now.

If I had one major complaint about stripping in the last 15 years, it would be the money. The average pay has not really increased with inflation. In fact, I don't get that much more than I did 15 years ago per party. Some of the companies charge the customers more, but the pay rate is almost the same. Hell, it is the same if you choose the wrong company. A newcomer may not mind this (which is why many companies still underpay), but a veteran definitely would.

Nonetheless, expect this blog to continue into 2018. I have a few more interesting stories to share, and even some from other male strippers. Thank you for reading. I am always humbled that those of you who follow this blog would take your time to read my stuff. As long as there are readers, I will continue writing.

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